is Lala from mtv Ludacris's sister ?

LaLa Anthony, also known as Alani Vazquez, is not related in any way to Ludacris. She does have one younger brother named Christian, and two younger sisters, Aviana and Solana. LaLa met Ludacris before he became a superstar when they worked on a radio show together called Future Flavas.

LaLa is the current wife of NBA superstar Carmelo Anthony. The two married in July 2010. They have one son who was born on March 7th, 2007. She was born June 25, 2024 in Brooklyn, NY. She has been in several TV series, most recently NYC 22.

Actress and TV personality, LaLa Anthony recently responded to a radio station caller who referred to her friend, Kim Kardashian, as a "wh&re". LaLa's response was:

"First of all, We joke around and have fun but I am really starting to get a little tired of people calling her that to me because if I was calling your friend a wh&re; you wouldn’t like that would you? No matter what people’s perceptions are, I know my friend and I know her heart and who she is and she’s not a wh&re.; We are all grown now! I can’t be responsible for what people think about other people, I go by how a person treats me and she’s always been an amazing person to me. As far as your situation is concerned, the same thing applies. We are all grown. If your friend has a bad rep, you can’t take responsibility for what your friend does, so you shouldn’t be grouped in that category because of what she does, you can only be responsible for your own actions."

Updated on Monday, October 01 2012 at 06:15PM EDT
Collections: mtvludacris 

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