Is Baylor University in Texas?

Yes. Baylor University is located in Waco, Texas 76798. For inquiries you may call Baylor on 1-800-229-5678 or their main switchboard on (254) 710-1011.

Baylor University is a private Christian university and a nationally ranked research institution.

Ranked no. 72 on U.S. News & World Report's 2016 edition of Best Colleges in the National Universities Category
Ranked no. 54 in Kiplinger's list of Best Values in Private Colleges (2013-2014)
Has been named a “Best Buy” in the 2016 edition of the best-selling Fiske Guide to Colleges.

Tip! To find the latest updates about Baylor University, just visit their Facebook page or follow them on Twitter @Baylor.

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Wednesday, January 06 2016