In huckleberry finn why will aunt sally never again count spoons?

Huck and Tom tricked Aunt Sally into believing that her spoons disappeared and reappeared.

She believes the rats have stolen them, so Huck and Tom plug the rat holes and continue to confuse Aunt Sally by taking the items when she counts them.

The boys start to make a witch pie as Aunt Sally is occupied while trying to recount her spoons.

Tom knows more than Huck and through his adventure books, he produces great ideas.Tom also indirectly suggests that he lead...he said: NOW she couldn’t ever count them spoons twice alike again to save her life; and wouldn’t believe she’d counted them right if she DID; and said that after she’d about counted her head off for the next three days he judged she’d give it up and offer to kill anybody that wanted her to ever count them any more.

This shows how confused Aunt Sally was, trusting the boys never did anything and trusting her own instinct.

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Monday, May 01 2017