Does tyrese die in the movie legion?

Yes. Kyle Williams played by Tyrese Gibson dies.

Up on the roof, Kyle and Audrey are on watch, and Kyle teaches Audrey how to fire a gun. Audrey already knows how though, as she dated a marine – mostly to anger her parents. She’s the rebellious type, and has been acting out for most of her childhood, mostly to get attention from her parents.

Kyle can relate, as it was pretty much what he did as a child too. They share a few more moments reminiscing about their childhoods before Kyle notices a van approach the gas station. Thinking that is filled with more possessed people, Kyle aims his gun at it, but soon realizes that it’s a survivor of the apocalypse, and his son. The man is just trying to get some gas, but is soon surrounded by the possessed.

The man doesn’t see them coming until Kyle fires into the air to alert him, but it’s too late, the man is killed by a car driven by the possessed and the child is taken. Kyle, thinking of his own son jumps down and attempts to save him. However, the child was possessed as well, and bites into Kyle’s neck, killing him. Audrey sees this and charges towards Kyle to save him, killing several of the possessed along the way, but running out of ammo as she reaches Kyle and manages to protect herself by locking herself inside a minivan.

See full cast of the movie on IMDb.

Get Legion (2010) summary of box office results, charts and release information and related links at

Tags: legiontyrese gibson 
Wednesday, July 05 2017