Does chachi gonzales have a boyfriend

No. It can't be said for certain that dancer/actress Chachi Gonzales has a boyfriend at this time. There have been rumors that she has dated several men over the past year or so, but nothing could be confirmed 100%.

In August of 2011, many felt a Twitter post by Chachi Gonzalez seemed to indicate that she was dating Ian Eastwood. However, neither of them have stated this directly and there has been no further information about them dating since then.

In June of 2011, Chachi posted on her Twitter page that she was not dating anyone and wished for rumors about her dating life to cease.

She's a member of the popular hip hop dance crew "I.aM.mE," which is from her hometown, Houston, Texas. She was born in Houston on January 23, 1996. Her real name is Olivia Gonzales.

Updated on Sunday, April 22 2012 at 04:36PM EDT