Do you have to fast for a varicella titer test?

Not Medical Advice: No. According to Walk-In Lab, individuals planning to take a titer blood test can eat and drink before the test and may also take all of their regular medications, vitamins, and other dietary supplements. The blood test results are unaffected by the time of day that the blood sample is taken.

Varicella (Chicken Pox) is a member of the herpes virus group. The primary infection results in Chicken Pox. Later in life, recurrent infection may emerge as Shingles. It is important for all individuals to know his/her status of immunity against the Varicella virus to protect those individuals form the higher risk of complications from acquired Varicella. A Varicella Titer will detect whether a person is immune to Varicella due to previous infection or immunization.

Varicella Titer testing should be performed for:

Health Care personnel who are uncertain of their Varicella history

Pre Vaccination screening for adults who are uncertain of their Varicella history

Immigrants to the United States applying for Permanent Residency who must show proof of Varicella disease

Any person who lacks evidence of appropriate vaccination coverage

Learn more about blood titers at The Vaccine Center - Blood Titers.

Tip! Check out 5 ways to soothe chicken pox in children from SheKnows.

Wednesday, July 13 2016


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