Do snow crabs have iodine

Yes, sources suggest that there's 87 μg (iodine content) per 500 g edible portion of snow crab.

Snow crab, which also goes by the name "queen crab," is found not only in the North Atlantic, but also in the North Pacific. This crustacean can weigh up to 3 pounds and is known for its sweet taste.

The nutritional value of the snow crab you eat depends not only on what you eat with it, but the size of your meal. Four to 6 ounces of snow crab is a standard serving size for adults. Five ounces of snow crab has 163 calories, 33.6 grams of protein, 2.1 grams of total fat and no carbohydrates or dietary fiber.

Planning to cook snow crabs? Check out these simple and fast ways to get your snow crab cooked shared by

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Monday, July 17 2017