Did tech n9ne get sued in Ohio for 100,000 dollars by a girl that cracked her skull?

As stated in Clevescene.com, Rapper Tech N9ne wrote the song Riot Maker about an incident involving a girl who became injured while crowd surfing.

“This girl was surfing and kept surfing and someone dropped her on her head and she cracked her skull,” he says. “They had me sign this poster and take it to the hospital. She got it and months later, her parents convinced her to sue Strange Music and everybody involved for $100,000. I talk about it in ‘Riot Maker.’ It’s the second verse. It’s one of my biggest songs now. It happened in Cleveland. That’s just one of the stories that influenced ‘Riot Maker.’”

Get the lyrics of the song Riot Maker at Genius.com.

Complete your Tech N9ne record collection and discover Tech N9ne's full discography at Discogs.com.

Find the latest news on Tech N9ne on Twitter @TechN9ne or visit his Facebook page.

Tag: tech n9ne 
Monday, January 30 2017
Source: http://www.clevescene.com/scene-and-heard/archives/2016/04/18/rapper-tech-n9ne-pushes-the-boundaries-of-conventional-hip-hop-on-his-latest-release