DEscribe how the end of reconstruction led to the loss of black rights and the imposition of the jim crow system of segregation in the south.

Reconstruction was focused on rebuilding the country as a nation, and preparing the freed blacks to be integrated into a new type of society.

Congressmen promoted the idea and dealt with the people that went against their reconstruction. However, as reconstruction ended, racial conflicts soon pursued since Congress was no longer promoting equal status for the blacks. Therefore, there was nothing to protect the blacks from harassment.

The southerners wanted to alienate the blacks and imposed the Jim Crow laws which segregated the white community from the black community.

Basically, it made the blacks create a new society separate from the whites. This meant they had to use separate schools, bathrooms, and other public buildings.

The laws technically did not violate the constitution since it's just separated facilities, but the blacks facilities were much more inferior to those that belonged to the white southerners. This promoted further racism, and blacks were assaulted and punished severely if they tried to go against their social codes.

This question was generated from chapter 23 of Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age, 1869-1896.

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Tags: blackimpositionsegregation 
Tuesday, April 26 2016


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