Can freon kill u

Not medical advice: There has been a recent resurgence of the practice of sniffing and inhaling Freon and other refrigerants among teens and inhalant abusers. The chemicals are usually used to keep things cold. The most popular method of obtaining a Freon high is by inhaling, also known as dusting Dust-Off and other computer keyboard cleaning products sold in pressurized cans.

Dusting can result in frostbite, eye, ear, and nose irritation, headaches, lightheadedness, and heart palpitations. There have also been reports of sudden death by cardiac arrest. Medical professionals don’t know at what dosage Freon propellant/refrigerant abuse or frequency of use will prove to be fatal. Parents should watch for increased use of eye drops in teens, which can be a sign of dusting.

Updated on Sunday, May 06 2012 at 02:38AM EDT

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