are hillary clinton and donald trump related

According to genealogy experts, Donald Trump and Hillary Rodham Clinton are 19th cousins - both sharing royal blood.

The common ancestors are John of Gaunt, the duke of Lancaster, and third wife Katherine Swynford at the end of the 14th century — a century before Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

One of their children was Joan Beaufort, whose descendants include Mrs. Clinton. Her brother John Beaufort is an ancestor of Mr. Trump. Their descendants included several kings of England and centuries of Scottish kings.

In latest buzz, former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton argued that Russian meddling in the 2016 election in large part cost her the White House, and said she's was "leaning" toward believing that President Trump's campaign did, indeed, collude with the Russians. Find out more at

Tip! Get the latest updates about Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump on Twitter @HillaryClinton and @realDonaldTrump.

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Thursday, June 01 2017