who was kenny chesney's good friend that he sings about in the song "i go back"

Kenny Chesney wrote the song I Go Back in the memory of his childhood friend Lance Wilson, who died at the age of 17.

As reported by usatoday30.usatoday.com, Lance Wilson and his twin brother grew up across the street from Chesney in Luttrell, Tenn.

"We were inseparable," Chesney says. "Every morning at 8 o'clock, we were out there in the yard playing ball."

Wilson and his brother moved to Florida. "My mom woke me up one morning and told me Lance got killed in a car wreck," Chesney recalls. "He was 17 years old. Just like that. Gone."

View Kenny Chesney’s upcoming tour and music at Kennychesney.com.

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Tag: kenny chesney 
Tuesday, September 06 2016
Source: http://usatoday30.usatoday.com/life/music/news/2005-11-06-chesney-side_x.htm

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