What is wrong with megan fox's neck? Adams apple or an eating disorder?

There's nothing wrong with Megan's neck and she doesn't have an eating disorder, confirms Fox's trainer.

The fitness expert said that his client struggles to gain weight because of her ‘fast metabolism’ and insisted she is not suffering from anorexia.

The Adam's apple rumor is closely related to the doubtful truth circulating the internet (since 2008) that Fox is actually either a man in drag or born a hermaphrodite and underwent surgery later in life to become a female.

While Megan Fox said "I'm a tranny, I'm a man" on national TV, it wasn't supposed to be taken seriously.

In reality, women also have Adam's apples, but they're much smaller and less prominent than than a man's.

The prominence of the Adam’s apple varies from person to person and can occasionally be as noticeable in some women as men.

Wednesday, February 24 2016