What is the password to the strong box in the lower city apartments on Star Wars Knights of the old Republic

In Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic you will find a strong box in the Lower City West Apartments. There's a desk along the wall that contains a data pad with clues to the combination. It is a quiz so you will need to remember all the details on the pad.

The answers are: "Hyperdrive", "My uncle", and "Alderaan". Successfully opening the strongbox will give you 110 XP, a blaster pistol, and Republic Mod Armor. You will also gain 100 credits.

Also in the Lower City West Apartments you can collect a Sonic Grenade, Antidote Kits and Repair Parts in a foot locker after defeating the Vulkar and gang members. If you kill Selvin you will find a Scope, an Adrenaline Amplifier and a Neural Band on her body.

Updated on Sunday, July 22 2012 at 11:33PM EDT
Collections: hyperdriveold republicuncle