What is goodbye in Navajo?

According to [Omniglot.com](http://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/navajo.php), _goodbye_ in Navajo is: >##### Hágoónee’ ("okay/alright then")<br> #####Hágooshį́į́<br> #####Yá’át’ééh (reply)<br> #####Á'aa, hágoónee’ (reply) The [Navajo language](http://navajopeople.org/navajo-language.htm), also known as _Diné Bizaad_, is spoken by approximately 175,000 people in the United States and elsewhere (Gordon, 2005). Navajo is a language of the Apachean subgroup of the _Athabaskan_ branch of the _Na-Dené language_ family, along with Apache. Other _Athabaskan_ languages include _Chipewyan, Beaver, Sekani, Carrier, Hupa, Slave, Wailaki, Tagish_, and more. The _Athabaskan language_ family includes approximately 44 different language groups native to the Western U.S. and Canada (Gordon, 2005). **Tip!** Here’s a [collection of useful phrases in Navaj](http://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/navajo.php), an Athabaskan language spoken in Arizona and New Mexico in the USA shared by _Omniglot.com_. Thinking about learning a foreign language? [From ignoring your age to avoiding the F-word, multilingual experts share their tips](http://www.theguardian.com/education/2014/oct/30/learning-another-language-ten-tips) at _Theguardian.com_.

Tag: navajo 
Monday, February 01 2016
Source: http://www.omniglot.com/language/phrases/navajo.php